Monday, October 02, 2006

Penis talk

As a woman, I know how much we love to talk about our men. The good, the bad, and of course the ugly stuff. We don't just mention something in passing, we go into details, great details, and lots of details.

If you have a deformed penis, guaranteed your woman's friends know about it and probably gave her a lot of advice already.

If you're lousy in bed, guaranteed the word goes around faster than lighting.

If you have a small penis, it's being talked about more than you even think about it.

If you're great in bed, your woman's friends envy her, and some might even fantasize about you because they've heard all about it. In details.

So what are your options? You will never stop women from talking. What does your partner say about you? Any idea?

Is your penis smaller than average? Just average? Bigger than most? Your wife's or girlfriend's circle of friends know all about what's between your legs. No doubt about it.

Do they laugh at your expense?

You DO have options you know. There are many alternatives today that can help you enlarge your penis safely and discreetly. You CAN be confident when you take your clothes off. You CAN be confident when you're having sex. No need to be embarrassed.

Visit Top Natural Penis Enlargement Products to see which one would be a good fit for your lifestyle and suit your budget. There is no product that will provide results for every man on the planet. The site gives you the facts straight up, with the dangers or safety of the product.

You don't have to live in fear of what might be said about you. If women talk that much, give yours something to really talk about! A BIG PENIS! :)

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Penis enlargement from a woman's point of view

WOW! It's been almost a year. Quite frankly, I forgot I had started this blog until earlier today.

For all of you guys out there, I just wanted to give you a woman's opinion on the size of the penis of her partner's. Is penis size really THAT important or does size matter at all?

A woman who says size doesn't matter is lying, pure and simple. It doesn't matter what you "do with it" if she can't feel it. Never, ever ask a woman if your penis is big enough. Unless she hates you or really dislikes you a lot, if you DO have a small penis, she won't tell you the truth. Date her for a while and see what she says in a few months when the novelty of the relationship wears off...

I'm not a teen. I'm not a senior citizen either. Somewhere in between. I've been with boyfriends with smaller than average penis (I didn't like it), average size and bigger than average.

I define average at 6 inches to 6.5 inches - fully erect.

The smallest penis I've seen was probably no more than 4 inches during erection. I didn't measure it but oh man, I honestly never had seen a penis that small before - or since. No, it definitely wasn't big enough. I didn't say anything when I first saw the size of his penis not to insult him or hurt his feelings - obviously.

Deep down, I wanted to ask "where's the rest of it?" Or worse "is it in yet?" because I could hardly feel him at all during intercourse. Sex wasn't bad but it wasn't fulfilling for me. I always felt like there was something missing - like a few inches.

He was a good enough lover but he sure lacked in size! I wish I had known about penis enlargement products way back then - but I don't think they existed yet. That was a looooong time ago. :) I dated that guy for about a year and we didn't break up because of his small penis but it would have happened eventually if we had kept dating. There was definitely something missing with him. After that experience, I wouldn't date another guy if he had a penis that size, no matter how nice he is. It simply wouldn't last forever.

An average penis is ok if the guy is skilled in the lovemaking department. Yes, I mean foreplay, and beyond. But if he lacks any love making skills, then the size of his penis will come into question. And it won't take long, a couple of times and the woman will be sexually frustrated. Guaranteed. That would probably hold true with any penis size, but it's just worse when the penis is kind of on the small side.

A bigger penis is GOOD. However, if it was more than 8 inches, I personally would find it too big. That's a personal preference for sure. It feels good when the penis is big enough to touch the back wall deep in the woman's vagina, although not too hard.

Once a woman has experienced that feeling, it's hard for her to go back to a smaller penis that just can't reach that far. Sex can still be good, and even great, but she's always going to feel like she's missing out on something better.

It may not be a disaster for the relationship, but it's a definite sexual disappointment for the woman. However, your partner won't tell YOU that. She'll tell all her girlfriends though. Women really do talk, and they talk a lot, in DETAILS. I'm a woman, I know. :)

The best site I've found for penis enlargement pills and other products as well as male sexual enhancers is Top Rated Natural Penis Enlargement pills.

I like that site because it's not full of blah blah blah about nothing and everything. Simple design, nothing fancy, but it gives you exactly what you want and tells you everything you need to know. It's straight to the point and it also tells you WHY they rank the pills in their particular spot.

More to come soon... I promise!


Friday, October 21, 2005


Three Important Reasons for Taking VigRX™

Has your erection fallen from the glory of your youth? Can you see changes in your sexual performance that worry you? No matter how bad it looks right now, there are solutions available!

So what are the major causes of erectile problems and diminished libido? The three factors we have listed here cause the majority of problems.

There is plenty of detailed medical information available from websites and your doctors’ office, and we encourage you to make use of what is available. Here we will look at the basics of how to avoid and repair damage caused by the three greatest sources of sexual issues: smoking, alcohol, and medications.


Everyone knows that smoking isn’t healthy, so let us move beyond the physiological effects and on to the solutions.

Many men can recover all of their lost sexual and erectile function by simply quitting smoking. Real world success stories prove it is possible for many smokers to make dramatic sexual recoveries by quitting completely. Men who were losing their erections before orgasm made complete recoveries, reaching orgasm normally after a short recovery period.

Quitting or cutting back is good, but why stop there? Thousands of men have experienced the tremendous benefits afforded by taking VigRX™ sexual enhancement supplements.

Smoking causes vascular (blood flow) damage over time, which may lead to sexual problems. By using supplements that increase blood flow to peripheral areas of the body (such as the penis), many smokers are able to recover much of the lost erection performance.

What’s more, while smoking cessation is clearly the best option, there are many times when it isn’t convenient because of the commitment it requires. Sometimes timing and circumstances make it difficult (if not impossible) for some people to quit smoking. It is essential during these times that the individual makes every effort to make up for the losses. VigRX™ heals and strengthens the vascular system, making improvements in blood flow that can significantly improve penile performance.

Problems may be lessened by using a vascular enhancing product like VigRX™.

Alcohol Use

Although alcohol doesn’t usually cause a problem in the short term, excessive drinking can cause sexual problems over the long term – a condition sometimes called "Brewers Droop". Through lowering your body’s testosterone levels, several different aspects of sexual function can become impaired.

Obviously, one of the first steps is in cutting back. If this isn’t enough, you may need to completely stop in order to regain your normal performance. And of course, as suggested above, using a high quality herbal supplement like VigRX™ can have a powerful effect on testosterone production in the body without interfering with medications.

Some of the ingredients included in VigRX™ formula were specifically selected because of their testosterone boosting qualities.

Drug use – prescription and non-prescription

A number of prescription, non-prescription, and recreational varieties of drugs can cause sexual issues like impotence. Drugs for treating hypertension, anti-depressants, sedatives, SSRI’s such as Prozac, and beta-blockers (heart medications) have all been connected to cases of impotence and loss of libido. Each has a greater or lesser effect depending on the individual.

It is important to keep taking drugs that have been prescribed by your doctor – never stop in the middle of a treatment prescribed by a physician! If you think you might be having sexual difficulties due to a drug you are taking be sure to discuss it with your doctor, who can change your treatment as needed.

There are many causes of sexual problems beyond those listed above. For example, impotence can result from illnesses such as diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, or other conditions beyond a patient’s control. Luckily, however, there are several avenues to seek for help.

Because most naturopathic medicines can be taken along with other medications, there are a few issues with using a product like VigRX™ to improve libido and erection quality along with other treatments. Be sure to check with your physician first to insure that VigRX™ ingredients are safe to use with any other medications you may be taking at the same time.

VigRX™ is a number of solutions in one, as it contains a number of different and highly potent plant extracts used for treatment of sexual problems. Each ingredient has a beneficial effect on some aspect of men’s reproductive system, and each was selected based on a longstanding history of successful use in folk medicine. Originally used in China, Europe, and South America, the careful mixture of contents in the VigRX™ formula are world leader in sexual medicine.

For centuries these plant extracts have helped indigenous peoples recover lost libido and penile function without the benefit of modern technology. Today, these same herbals are available with the added benefits of medical grade dosing and encapsulation technology, making their effects more reliable than ever. As a ‘one stop’ solution for libido and erection issues, thousands of men are finding VigRX™ to be one of the finest supplements available.